David Jácome Polit

Chief Resilience Officer, Quito, Ecuador

David Jácome Polit

Chief Resilience Officer, Quito, Ecuador


Architect graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador – Quito in 2003. Specialist in Real Estate Strategic Management with a diploma awarded by the Tecnológico de Monterrey in 2007. Project Manager of the largest private organization in Ecuador for more than 8 years, and then from the private practice In 2014. Master’s degree (Cum Laude) at the Technological University of Delft, The Netherlands, specializing in architechtural engineering and technology in sustainable development. Student leader of the Dutch team that participated in the Solar Decathlon Europe Paris-2014, winning the first prize in sustainability and second prize in energy efficiency, among other awards.

In the public sector, as part of the Secretariat of Land, Habitat and Housing of the Municipality of Quito, he was Metropolitan Director of Urban Development 2014-2015, where among other activities was prepared and approved the approval of the Metropolitan Development and Land Management Plan 2015-2025, by the Metropolitan CouncilLater in 2016, as the main technical advisor in the same Secretariat, he developed and promoted important strategic projects of urban development of the city, such as the regulation that promotes the densification of the areas that surround the public mass transport system of the city, in compliance with minimum requirements of eco-efficiency with already successful preliminary results as a meassure to incentivate the real state market during the economic crisis in the country.

Currently Resilience Advisor for UNDP that allows him to perform as Chief Resilience Officer of Quito, as part of the initiative 100 Resilient Cities promoted by the Rockefeller Foundation, with the main task to develop and implement the Resilience Strategy of Quito. Currently focusing efforts on different topics, such as developing the Transit Oriented Development plan of the city with the aim to contribute to the city’s efforts to climate change adaptation and as a mechanism to help avoid the creation of new risk; developing a participatory agenda to build resilience from the barrios “neighbourhoods”; the city’s agri-food plan under a resilience lense or the city’s  competitiveness agenda to create quality jobs and promote sustainable production systems.

Professor of undergraduate and currently professor of Master’s in Architecture and Sustainability at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador-Quito. Part of the research project Strategies of Urban Social Metabolism (SUMS) for Cities. Publications on topics related to sustainable development and resilience. 

Member of:  Program Committee for the 2018 Resilient Cities Congress of ICLEI; of the committee of IMPAQTO, challenge of urban entrepreneurship; technical jury of “Good Exemplary Practices” promoted by Corporación Líderes para Gobernar; Member of the Honor Council of the Metropolitan Environmental Distinction, Sustainable Quito, 2017-2018.

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